Saturday, December 20, 2014

A paper accepted to CT-RSA'15

We are happy to announce that our paper:
Marcin Andrychowicz, Ivan Damgaard, Stefan Dziembowski, Sebastian Faust and Antigoni Polychroniadou,
Efficient Leakage Resilient Circuit Compilers
has been accepted to RSA Conference Cryptographers' Track (CT-RSA) 2015

A paper accepted to TCC'15

We are happy to announce that our paper:

Divesh Aggarwal, Stefan Dziembowski,Tomasz Kazana and Maciej Obremski
Leakage-resilient non-malleable codes

was accepted to the Twelfth IACR Theory of Cryptography Conference TCC 2015

A paper accepted to BITCOIN'15

We are happy to announce that our paper

Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski, Daniel Malinowski and Ɓukasz Mazurek
On the Malleability of Bitcoin Transactions
was accepted to the Second Workshop on Bitcoin Research 2015 (in Assocation with Financial Crypto)